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Collibra Data Privacy & Risk: Dashboards, Third-Party Profiles, and Reporting

5 Enrolled | 9 Completed

About this course

Instructor: Carlos Ebrecht, Senior Business Analyst

Course Objectives:

  • Examine the data privacy dashboard
  • Analyze how to create a third-party privacy profile
  • Discover the Collibra Privacy & Risk Readiness scorecard

Collibra Privacy & Risk provides a range of features, dashboards, and tools to help in your data intelligence journey. In this course, we’ll show the data privacy dashboard, which serves as your entry portal for information, resources, and tools to manage, control, and report on your privacy endeavor. We’ll also cover the third-party privacy profiles, which enable you to create a profile record that includes relevant privacy information about your organization’s third parties. This single record provides the data protection officer relevant information, such as the contract, the terms and conditions, the data that is being shared, the risks, and more. Lastly, we will demonstrate the new reporting features with the privacy and risk readiness scorecard, which reports on the progress of the implementation of your privacy program.

Collibra makes it easy for data citizens to find, understand and trust the organizational data they need to make business decisions every day. Unlike traditional data governance solutions, Collibra is a cross-organizational platform that breaks down the traditional data silos, freeing the data so all users have access.

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