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Risk Assessment Workflow, GDPR Solution

57 Enrolled | 35 Completed

About this course

Instructor:  Hans Cornette, Business Analyst

Course Objectives: 

  • Assess risk to the rights and freedoms of data subjects
  • Identify potential risk events
  • Modify risk through measures and controls

Course Description: 

In this course, we will review documenting risk assessments using the GDPR Solution. This process includes establishing the risk context while including the stakeholders. It also addresses the the risk identification through recognition, which means identifying potential risk events, risk sources and potential risk consequences, the evaluation of inherent risk, the modification of that risk through measures and controls, and the evaluation of the residual risk. And finally, the acceptance of accountability and business stewardship.

The following order of courses are recommended to follow the sequence of GDPR Solution workflows demonstrated in the use case.

  1. Processing Activity Register, GDPR Solution
  2. Data Protection by Design, GDPR Solution
  3. Risk Assessment Workflow, GDPR Solution
  4. Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA), GDPR Solution
  5. Legitimate Interest Assessment, GDPR Solution
  6. Compliance Self Assessment Workflow (CSA), GDPR Solution
  7. Remediation Plans and Remediation Actions, GDPR Solution

Disclaimer: The courses, articles, videos, documents, etc. on this website are offered only for general informational and educational purposes. They are not offered as and do not constitute legal advice or legal opinions. Certification with or receipt of this training does not provide or ensure any legal or other compliance certification and does not ensure that the user will be in compliance with any laws, including GDPR or any other privacy laws.

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