  • separate multiple addresses with a comma.

Healthcare Datasets with Collibra Catalog

191 Enrolled | 67 Completed

About this course

Instructor: Justin Washburn, Presales Engineer


  • Demonstrate ingesting data
  • Outline data profiling
  • Explain post data ingestion workflow

In this course, we will review Catalog features in 5.1, including data profiling, tagging and recommending business terms that may match ingested business assets. Learn how these applications and processes help business analysts and data scientists conduct their own business intelligence, rather than relying on IT to generate the reports for them. We will be using an ACO Inpatient file to demonstrate ingesting the data, creating a data profile and storing sample data sets. By using Data Catalog, business analysts who are using self-service data, can spend less time looking for the correct data, and more time actually analyzing the data and providing meaningful information in their reports.

In addition to the data catalog ingestion demonstration, we will also review the post data ingestion workflow. And of course, the demonstrations will include the data profiling, linking business terms to imported schemas, and how tagging can be used to improve searchability and quick access to results.

Collibra makes it easy for data citizens to find, understand and trust the organizational data they need to make business decisions every day. Unlike traditional data governance solutions, Collibra is a cross-organizational platform that breaks down the traditional data silos, freeing the data so all users have access.

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