  • separate multiple addresses with a comma.

Informatica Data Quality Integration Accelerator: Lineage & Data Quality Rules

373 Enrolled | 865 Completed

About this course

Instructor: Venkatesh Veeravalli, Solution Engineer

Course Objectives:

  • Import lineage information with Data Quality Rules from Informatica Data Quality
  • Upsert tables, columns and domains for Data Quality Results
  • Develop relations and aggregation paths
  • Assign Data Quality Rules and access scorecard

In this course, we will review how to import lineage information along with the data quality rules from Informatica Data Quality. The focus will be on extracting information from Informatica and establishing the data quality rules. The out-of-the-box data quality dimensions will be applied and aggregation paths will be established. The relations between the data quality metrics and evaluated columns are also addressed. This process allows data owners to track scorecards into the Policy Manager and maintain compliance with validated data quality rules. If thresholds are breached, IDQ issues will be logged with the Data Issue Helpdesk.

We recommend the following course sequence:

  1. Informatica Data Quality Integration Accelerator: Configurations for Data Governance Center
  2. Informatica Data Quality Integration Accelerator: Lineage and Data Quality Rules

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