  • separate multiple addresses with a comma.

Introduction to Workflows: Automate and Assign Tasks

602 Enrolled | 2541 Completed

About this course


  • Kristof Depypere, Chief Architect
  • Mathisse De Strooper, Product Manager


  • Classify workflows to automate tasks and assign tasks
  • Explain the use of Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)
  • Contrast user and service tasks

This course presents workflows, which describe the processes in the Data Governance Center that automate certain tasks and to assign tasks to people. The workflows are defined by the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). Workflows can be started on several concepts in the application. It can be started on assets, domains, and communities. It can also be applied as a Global Workflow, where you decide where you would like the workflow to start. Other important elements are User Tasks and Service Tasks. The users tasks address the need for someone to complete a task in the application. A service task is actually an automated task. Using the Approval Process workflow as an example, review how to start, stop and cancel workflows and how you can manage tasks as well.

If you are learning about workflows for the first time, we recommend the following sequence of Workflow courses:

  • Introduction to Workflows: Automate and Assign Tasks
  • Ask-the-Expert Workflow Basics
  • Advanced Workflow: Tips & Tricks
  • SysAdmin: Workflow Configurations

Collibra makes it easy for data citizens to find, understand and trust the organizational data they need to make business decisions every day. Unlike traditional data governance solutions, Collibra is a cross-organizational platform that breaks down the traditional data silos, freeing the data so all users have access.

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