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Getting Started in BCBS 239

118 Enrolled | 39 Completed

About this course

Instructor: Simon Hankinson, Global Financial Services Market Lead

One of the most significant regulatory requirements today is the BCBS 239. The BCBS 239 requirements are intended to address the bank’s ability to understand accurately their overall exposures and other key risk metrics influencing the key risk decisions of the bank.The BCBS 239 was designed at a high level, using a principles-based approach that allowed banks to interpret and build tailored remediation approaches. While this can be perceived as a burden, it can also be seen as a great benefit. Banks have the opportunity to interpret this regulation using a strategic lens that allows them to balance the right decisions to gain a competitive advantage.

In this course you will be introduced to the BCBS principles and explore how to establish prioritizes in preparing and creating your report. The relationship and value the BCBS regulatory adherence implies on other regulatory requirements will also be explored.

Upon completion of this course you will be able to: Examine your organization and to interpret an approach to data governance, establish priorities to start your BCBS 239 Data Governance initiative, and describe the BCBS 239 principles.

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